Healthcare AI news: Breakthroughs reshape patient care and engagement

Ayaan Bhattacharjee

Content Writer

Healthcare AI news Breakthroughs reshape patient care and engagement

Table of Contents

Updated on September 9, 2024

As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize industries, its impact on healthcare is particularly profound. This week’s highlight in healthcare AI News delves into transformative breakthroughs that are redefining patient care and engagement. Discover how the synergy between AI and healthcare is leading to more innovative solutions. Thus enhancing both the efficacy and the personalization of medical services. 

Keep your finger on the pulse of the state of AI in 2024 with High Peak: the go-to source for your AI news in healthcare.

GPT-4 vs. endocrinologists: A new chapter in diabetes treatment decision-making

The intersection of technology and healthcare is taking a dramatic turn, with recent healthcare AI news revealing a groundbreaking study comparing AI to human experts in diabetes treatment options.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • AI’s growing role in healthcare: The study focuses on GPT-4, a large language model, and its responses to diabetes treatment choices under clinical uncertainty. Thus contributing to the evolving landscape of healthcare AI news.
  • Comparison with human expertise: GPT-4’s decisions were compared to those of 31 endocrinologists using hypothetical clinical scenarios. Thus emphasizing a mutual dialogue between AI technology and medical professionals in the sphere of AI news.
  • Varied responses to treatment choices: Initially, GPT-4 chose metformin less frequently than endocrinologists, but adjustments to the AI’s prompts showed increased alignment with healthcare experts. Thus underscoring the adaptability and potential of AI in healthcare news.
  • Considerations of patient conditions: GPT-4 demonstrated caution in prescribing metformin to patients with kidney issues or a history of gastrointestinal distress. Thus highlighting the nuanced understanding essential in healthcare AI news.
  • A call for balanced integration: Despite promising results, the study recommends a prudent approach to incorporating AI in clinical settings. Thus ensuring alignment with clinical guidelines and patient preferences. This balanced viewpoint is vital in discussions about AI in healthcare.

Also, for those keen on exploring the depths of this study and its implications on the future of healthcare AI news, read the full article here.

Breakthrough or breakdown? Generative AI’s high stakes in healthcare

The integration of generative AI into the healthcare sector is making headlines, promising to reshape the future of medical practices and treatments.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Speeding up drug development: Generative AI is at the forefront, designing new drug candidates to significantly reduce development timelines. This breakthrough is prominently featured in healthcare AI news.
  • Enhancing clinical documentation: AI tools are being developed to draft clinical notes and manage electronic health records, a step towards reducing administrative burdens. This is a key focus in news about AI.
  • Revolutionizing clinical trials: AI models that simulate patient outcomes are providing greater confidence in trial results. Such innovations are a hot topic in AI news.
  • Improving medical imaging: By generating cleaner images, generative AI is set to improve diagnostic accuracy. Thus marking a notable advancement in healthcare AI news.
  • Facing challenges head-on: Despite its potential, generative AI’s reliability and the production of accurate outputs remain areas of concern, often highlighted in news about AI.

Generative AI in healthcare is not only about technological evolution but also about navigating the complexities of data privacy, bias, and the need for robust datasets. These elements combine, solidifying the importance of generative AI in reshaping healthcare, as seen in the most current healthcare AI news.

For a deeper dive into the future of generative AI in healthcare and its challenges, read this article here.

Healthcare AI news: navigating ethical waters in clinical decision-making

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The exciting field of healthcare AI news is once again in the spotlight, this time focusing on the ethical implications of AI’s growing role in clinical decision-making, which has become a pivotal discussion point:

  • Transformative potential of AI: AI’s application in diagnostic imaging, predictive analytics, and personalized treatment plans underscores its transformative impact on healthcare, spotlighting significant growth in healthcare AI news.
  • Ethical considerations take center stage: The European Respiratory Society Congress 2024 delves into the ethical considerations of AI, highlighting the importance of balancing technology and human values in news about AI.
  • Protecting patient autonomy: Concerns are raised over AI’s potential to undermine patient autonomy, emphasizing the need for alignment with patients’ values and priorities, a critical issue in the latest AI news.
  • Addressing AI limitations: Despite AI’s potential, challenges like generalizability and automation bias present considerable ethical dilemmas, a hot topic in today’s healthcare AI news.
  • Striving for equity: Equity remains a principal concern, with AI’s role in bridging or widening healthcare disparities being scrutinized in recent news about AI.
  • The quest for explainability in AI: Efforts to increase AI’s transparency and understandability mark a critical step towards ethical integration, making waves in AI news.

Healthcare AI news is rapidly evolving, with ethical considerations shaping the future integration of AI in healthcare. For those intrigued by the delicate balance between technological innovation and ethical responsibility in healthcare, read this article here.

India advances secure and ethical AI in healthcare

The narrative within healthcare AI news is shifting towards a pivotal development in AI in healthcare. Thus marking a critical juncture in ensuring patient data protection and ethical AI deployment.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Ethical guidelines: The ICMR sets a precedent in AI in healthcare with ethical guidelines, covering principles from patient consent to data security. This is a significant update in healthcare AI news.
  • Patient-centric approach: Emphasizing informed consent and human oversight, these guidelines ensure AI serves patient interests first. Thus it is a topic gaining traction in the news about AI.
  • Attribute-based data management: ABDM emerges as a protective shield for patient data, promising a secure future in AI in healthcare. It’s a noteworthy development in AI news.
  • Data-driven policies: With real-time health data, policymakers can better allocate resources. As it is a critical angle in the ongoing dialogue in healthcare AI news.
  • Enhanced Clinical Decision Support Systems: Integrating CDSS with ABDM could revolutionize personalized medicine. Thus spotlighting the transformative potential of AI in healthcare news.

As India takes these considerable steps in integrating AI responsibly within its healthcare system, it illuminates a new path forward for AI’s role in medicine globally. For a more in-depth exploration of how India is shaping the future of AI in healthcare, click here to read the full article.

ARPA-H tackles AI degradation with pioneering healthcare initiative

The healthcare AI news circuit is buzzing with a groundbreaking announcement.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • ARPA-H initiative: The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) introduces a program focusing on AI degradation, a first of its kind in AI in healthcare.
  • Funding and goals: Aimed at auto-correcting AI-enabled tools misaligned with their training data. This is becoming a major topic in healthcare AI news.
  • Degradation concerns: Studies indicate machine learning models may lose accuracy over time. Highlighted as a crucial concern in news about AI.
  • PRECISE-AI program: The agency outlines a four-year plan. Includes monitoring clinical AI models’ performance and auto-correcting degradation. A noteworthy development in AI news.
  • Biden administration’s role: The ARPA-H, an innovation under the Biden administration, aims to advance medical health areas uniquely. A pivotal point for healthcare AI news enthusiasts.

For a deep dive into how ARPA-H’s new program transforms AI in healthcare and combats performance degradation, read this article here.

Health811 embraces AI and advanced scheduling to streamline patient care

In the latest healthcare AI news, Ontario’s Health811 service is setting a new benchmark.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Innovative expansion: Health811 has significantly expanded beyond its telephone roots, integrating chat, video, and AI-driven tools. This move spotlights a transformative period in AI in healthcare.
  • AI-powered symptom checking: An AI symptom assessment tool powered by ADA Health is revolutionizing how Ontarians assess their health needs, embodying cutting-edge healthcare AI news.
  • Language and communication: Offering services in English and French, plus translation support in over 150 languages. Health811 ensures inclusivity, marking a pivotal update in AI news.
  • High engagement: With over 2,000 monthly uses of the symptom assessment tool and around 70,000 combined calls and chats, Health811’s digital pivot underscores a significant trend in news about AI.
  • Scheduling revolution: Future integrations aim to connect patients directly with healthcare provider booking systems through Health811, streamlining appointment scheduling in an unprecedented way in AI in healthcare news.
  • Expanding digital highway: Health811’s services are likened to an expanding digital road network, bringing healthcare access to Ontarians faster and more effectively, a major advancement in healthcare AI news.

For an in-depth look at how Health811 is transforming healthcare access through AI, read this article here.

Revolutionizing healthcare: How GLOBO’s AI research leads the way

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Discovering the forefront of innovation with GLOBO‘s AI initiatives, this piece stands out in Healthcare AI news.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Pioneering AI in language services: Highlighting the transformative role of AI in enhancing patient communication, a core topic in healthcare AI news.
  • In-depth LLM insights: GLOBO’s thorough investigation into large language models presents actionable intelligence for industry leaders, a significant update in AI news.
  • Tailored AI adoption: The research stresses the importance of customizing AI solutions in healthcare for superior outcomes, marking a critical advancement in AI in healthcare.
  • Addressing AI shortcomings: The study not only pinpoints the challenges with current LLMs but also suggests pathways for improvement, key for the future of AI in healthcare.
  • Navigating AI’s rapid growth: It underscores the need to keep pace with AI’s evolution to harness its full potential in healthcare services.

Keen on understanding the impact of AI on healthcare strategies and patient care? Read more about GLOBO’s groundbreaking research here.

Singapore’s National Healthcare Group embraces AI for screening

In a significant leap forward, Singapore’s National Healthcare Group (NHG) is revolutionizing the detection and management of lung and heart diseases with cutting-edge AI technology. This move has garnered significant attention in Healthcare AI News, demonstrating the expanding role of AI in healthcare across Asia.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Adoption of South Korean AI solution: NHG has selected an AI system developed by Lunit, a tech firm based in South Korea. Thus specializing in AI for healthcare, notably in the analysis of chest X-rays.
  • Pilot program launch: Lunit INSIGHT CXR will undergo a 10-month pilot at Geylang Polyclinic starting in October. Thus setting the stage for a broader implementation across NHG facilities.
  • Enhanced diagnostics: This AI solution aims to complement the manual efforts of radiologists by quickly identifying critical anomalies in chest X-rays. It is a task increasingly challenged by rising image volumes.
  • Efficiency and speed: By employing Lunit INSIGHT CXR as a triage tool, NHG anticipates more efficient patient management. Thus potentially reducing wait times for further clinical actions.
  • National support and integration: The National Health Innovation Centre Singapore supports the project. This support is part of integrating into Singapore’s AimSG, a national radiology AI platform. It’s designed to bolster diagnostic capabilities in the public healthcare sector.

Particularly AI in healthcare applications like this underscores the transformative potential of technology. It enhances healthcare services significantly. For more in-depth insights into how NHG is leveraging AI for lung and heart disease screening, click here to read the full article

Also read: How AI integration in healthcare is creating a difference in treatment

HHS embarks on AI leadership expansion and ONC restructuring

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has unveiled a strategic reorganization, emphasizing its commitment to healthcare AI news. The ONC is now to be known as ASTP/ONC, marking a newfound focus on AI in healthcare policy and strategy within HHS.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • ONC transformation: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has been renamed to the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC).
  • AI policy oversight: Transfer of responsibility for technology, data, and AI policy and strategy from the Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA) to the new ASTP/ONC.
  • Staff and funding boost: The onset of this transition will see ASTP/ONC receive additional staff and funding to meet its increased responsibilities.
  • Leadership expansion: Micky Tripathi, the National Coordinator, will take on the additional role of ASTP/National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. The Department is actively recruiting for roles of Chief Technology Officer, Chief Data Officer, and Chief AI Officer.
  • Cybersecurity focus: Under the new structure, the 405(d) Program, aimed at aligning health sector security practices, will move to the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection within the ASPR.

Healthcare AI news, prominently featuring stories like this reorganization, signals a significant step toward enhancing the role of AI healthcare news. This is important in the sector’s evolution.

With AI taking center stage in health tech news, developments such as these are key. They help us understand the future landscape of healthcare technology. If you’re keen on exploring the impacts of these changes, be sure to read the full article here. They significantly influence the provision, oversight, and governance of AI in healthcare.

States pioneering unique regulations for healthcare AI

In the dynamic world of Healthcare AI News, a pivotal shift is underway as states begin charting their course in regulating AI in healthcare. This move highlights the critical importance and rapidly evolving nature of AI healthcare news. Thus, the localized approach to oversight is underscored in the absence of federal guidelines.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Colorado leads regulatory efforts: Colorado has enacted one of the first comprehensive state AI laws, which includes significant regulations on AI systems used in healthcare.
  • Utah focuses on mental health chatbots: Utah’s AI office is actively regulating the use of mental health chatbots. Thus setting a precedent for AI in healthcare.
  • National conference collaboration: States like Colorado are working together through groups like the National Conference of State Legislatures to align AI policies in healthcare.
  • Regulatory patchwork challenges: The state-by-state approach may lead to a complex regulatory environment. It could challenge the deployment and development of AI technologies across state lines.
  • Federal movement on the horizon: The federal government is slowly progressing towards establishing national regulations for healthcare AI. Thus aiming for transparency and predictability.

As the landscape of AI healthcare news continues to evolve, these developments signal significant steps. They ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI in healthcare. For those interested in staying updated with the latest news about AI and its impact on health tech news, these state-led initiatives are a clear indicator. They reflect the rapidly changing regulatory environment.

To dive deeper into the intricacies of these regulations and their implications for the future of healthcare AI, read the full article here.

Also read: How HPS uses campaign management system to transform healthcare marketing

Revolutionizing patient engagement: How AI enhances pharmacy services

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • MedAdvisor Solutions introduces AI-driven tools: A pivotal moment in healthcare AI news. Now new AI technologies are brought into the pharmacy sector to upgrade patient engagement practices.
  • AI in healthcare personalizes patient communication: Personalization is key in AI healthcare news. It is specifically how AI can tailor communication relating to medication management and health inquiries directly to the patient’s needs.
  • Leadership insights from Rick Ratliff: This is a trending topic in the news about AI. Ratliff’s experiences, including his significant contributions to Surescripts, shed light on the impactful role of AI within pharmacies. T
  • The future of AI healthcare news: With a focus on complementing rather than replacing the essential human element in pharmacies, AI stands to revolutionize how pharmacists interact with and serve their patients.
  • AI’s role in enhancing pharmacy services: As AI in healthcare continues to evolve, its integration into pharmacy services promises significant improvements in both efficiency and patient care quality. Thus marking a significant development in health tech news.

For a deep dive into the transformative potential of AI in pharmacy-driven patient engagement and care, read the full article here.

Vivid Health pioneers generative AI for home healthcare

In transformative healthcare AI news, Vivid Health is making strides by incorporating generative AI into home healthcare with promising outcomes. This initiative marks a significant chapter in AI healthcare news, as detailed insights reveal.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Efficiency in care documentation: Vivid Health’s generative AI tools are assisting clinical staff in quickly completing essential health assessment forms. Thus combating high turnover rates and enhancing service capacity.
  • Expanding service capacity: AI in healthcare not only decreases paperwork but is anticipated to double the daily patient intake. Thus showing profound implications in health tech news.
  • Improvement in staff workflow: By reducing the time required for intake processes to less than 30 minutes and cutting down nurse paperwork by 75%, the AI solution introduces an impactful shift in healthcare operations, highlighted in news about AI.
  • Enhancing patient and provider interactions: Vivid’s AI platform facilitates early form completion by interacting with patients and caregivers. Thus improving the efficiency and effectiveness of in-home health assessments.
  • Future expansion plans: Vivid Health is not stopping at home healthcare. Plans are underway to integrate this technology within hospice care, further broadening the AI footprint in the health sector.

This advancement is not just a leap in how healthcare services are rendered at home but also a significant topic in the news about AI. It reflects on how AI integration is revolutionizing patient care and administrative efficiency.

For more details on how Vivid Health is reshaping the home healthcare landscape with AI, click here to read the full article.

Also read: How HPS transforms healthcare with a HIPAA-compliant referral platform

Overcoming AI anxiety: a new era for nursing in healthcare AI news

In a pivotal development for the healthcare industry, Incredible Health’s latest insights shed light on the evolving relationship between nurses and AI. Thus offering a fresh perspective on healthcare AI news.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Nurses’ fear of AI: Despite the potential for AI to revolutionize healthcare, many nurses express hesitancy and concern about integrating AI into their professional practices.
  • Strategies to combat stress around AI: Dr. Iman Abuzeid emphasizes the importance of clear communication from healthcare leaders regarding AI’s role and benefits. Thus aiming to bridge the understanding gap and foster a supportive environment.
  • The impact of AI on nursing shortages: By automating administrative tasks and enhancing job-matching processes, AI in healthcare could be a game-changer in addressing the critical nursing shortage facing the sector.
  • Generational divide concerns: There’s a fear that AI adoption creates a divide between generations within the nursing workforce. Thus, questions about training and technology acceptance have been raised.
  • AI’s potential to improve working conditions: AI technology, particularly in scheduling and administrative processes, offers the possibility of more flexible working conditions. Also, it offers better job satisfaction for nurses.

These developments offer a compelling look at how AI technology transforms healthcare delivery and the professions within it. For anyone keen on the intersection of technology and healthcare, this discussion represents a critical juncture in AI healthcare news.

For a deeper dive into these insights and to understand how the nursing profession is navigating the introduction of AI, read the full article here.

AI healthcare news: Transforming patient engagement worldwide

The healthcare sector is undergoing a profound transformation, as underscored in the latest Healthcare AI News. A significant driver of this change, as reported in health tech news, is the integration of conversational AI into patient services. It is an innovation poised to redefine the ways in which global healthcare operates.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Innovative examples from around the world: Initiatives like India’s MyGov Corona Helpdesk and Croatia’s SuperfoodChef AI exemplify AI’s role in fostering better patient communication.
  • Enhanced patient experiences: As AI in healthcare becomes more prevalent, it offers personalized and more convenient care. Thus leveraging widespread platforms like WhatsApp to engage patients.
  • Operational efficiencies skyrocket: AI healthcare news highlights AI’s potential in automating data collection and streamlining appointment-setting, profoundly improving clinical workflows.
  • AI tackling healthcare labor shortages: By managing routine tasks and assisting with patient interaction, AI is freeing up clinicians to concentrate on more complex care. Thus addressing notorious industry burnout.
  • The human touch in AI: Despite impressive AI capabilities, the human element remains irreplaceable for its emotional intelligence and decision-making finesse. It is a balance frequently discussed in news about AI.

As AI continues to shape the global healthcare landscape, we’re not simply bystanders. But we’re participants in a new epoch of technological healthcare advancements. To see how conversational AI transforms public healthcare services and enhances efficiencies worldwide, click here to read the full article

The future is now: Healthcare AI takes center stage

Healthcare AI news is buzzing with developments, indicating a transformative leap in AI in healthcare. This roundup encapsulates the significant strides and partnerships that are shaping the future of health tech news.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Consumer trust in AI: A recent DUOS survey highlights that 60% of consumers are willing to use AI tools for health-related queries. Thus showcasing a growing trust in healthcare AI news.
  • GE and AWS collaboration: To advance AI in healthcare, GE HealthCare and Amazon Web Services are joining forces to develop generative AI for diagnostics. Thus marking a monumental partnership in AI healthcare news.
  • AI in clinical documentation: Evidencing AI’s role in improving patient care, 65% of providers surveyed by eClinicalWorks believe that AI can significantly aid physicians with clinical documentation.
  • Global healthcare IT adoption: From Oracle Health Marketplace’s new software additions to Medstar Health’s integration of AI tools for risk management, healthcare institutions worldwide are gearing up for a tech-driven future.
  • Groundbreaking product launches: Notable introductions include SimplePractice’s ePrescribe and Clearwater’s integration of PCI 4.0 and NIST CSF 2.0 standards. Thus spotlighting innovations in AI healthcare news.

This week’s healthcare AI news signals an upward trajectory in AI’s role across various facets of healthcare. Thus foretelling a future where technology and health intertwine more closely than ever. For those intrigued by the latest AI in healthcare and who wish to dive deeper into these groundbreaking stories, click here to read more.

Also read: Why did High Peak develop a healthcare campaign management system?

Healthcare AI News: Transforming Mississippi’s health sector and AI’s Impact

In a significant leap forward for healthcare in Mississippi, Dr. Katherine Pannel sheds light on the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). From educational advancements to operational efficiencies in hospitals, AI is proving to be a key player in redefining patient care and mental health services across the state.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • AI’s role in education and training: The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) is pioneering by integrating AI into its curriculum, aiding in diagnosis and care plan development, thereby enhancing the training of future medical professionals.
  • Operational efficiency in hospitals: King’s Daughters Medical Center in Brookhaven showcases AI’s ability to automate medication reconciliation, significantly improving patient care and reducing administrative burdens.
  • Support for mental health: With a partnership between Alphabet’s health company Verily and Otsuka, AI is set to tackle mental health challenges, offering hope to over 430,000 adults in Mississippi diagnosed with a mental health condition.
  • Legislative support: The success of AI in healthcare underscores the necessity for continued support from lawmakers to foster AI innovation while addressing ethical considerations.

AI in healthcare is not just a concept but a reality in Mississippi, promising a healthier future for its residents. Healthcare AI News continues to highlight the progression AI brings to both the healthcare sector and patient engagement.

For those intrigued by the power of AI in healthcare and its growing relevance in Mississippi’s battle for better health services, this discussion opens a new chapter in Healthcare AI News. To dive deeper into these insights, click here to read more.

Breaking ground: AI innovations revolutionize healthcare

This week’s healthcare AI News highlights the transformative steps taken by Eisai and TytoCare in the healthcare sector, marking significant milestones in the application of AI technologies.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Eisai empowers clinical trials with AI: Leveraging Medidata’s AI-based Clinical Data Studio, Eisai aims to enhance the efficiency and scalability of clinical research, a notable advancement in health tech news.
  • TytoCare’s FDA-approved AI lung tool: The introduction of ‘Insights for Crackle Detection’ by TytoCare exemplifies the cutting-edge applications of AI in healthcare, offering quick and accurate lung disease diagnoses during virtual consultations.
  • Enhanced data management and patient care: Eisai’s integration of AI Clinical Data Studio is anticipated to accelerate data review by 80%, spotlighting the role of AI healthcare news in improving patient data management and care.
  • Future-proofing healthcare: The initiatives by Eisai and TytoCare underscore the dynamic role of news about AI in not only improving current healthcare processes but also in laying the groundwork for future technological advancements.

These developments are pivotal for anyone keen on the intersection of healthcare and AI technology. For more insights into these AI-driven healthcare innovations, click here to read more.

Also read: Why choose HPS to develop healthcare referral management software?

Revolutionizing pharmacies with AI: A new assistant emerges

In a significant leap forward for the pharmaceutical industry, AI Inc. has developed a groundbreaking AI Pharmacy Assistant, making waves in healthcare AI news.

Key highlights of this healthcare AI news are:

  • Creation of an AI Pharmacy Assistant: To support pharmacists in their increasingly clinical roles, elevating the standards of patient care.
  • Addressing the shortage of healthcare professionals: By providing critical decision support and administrative relief amidst the global pharmacist shortage.
  • Leveraging the Global Library of Medicine (GLM): This AI-powered tool utilizes a vast medical library to offer precise diagnostic support.
  • Improving healthcare accessibility: Especially in underserved communities, by enabling pharmacists to offer a broader range of services.
  • Market growth projection:
    The clinical decision support systems (CDSS) market, pivotal to AI in healthcare, is expected to expand significantly, promising a bright future for AI healthcare solutions.

This development not only highlights the potential of AI healthcare news but also underscores a growing trend in health tech news, marking a notable advancement in news about AI’s role in enhancing healthcare delivery.

For anyone keen on exploring the intersection of healthcare and technology, this represents a crucial development. To dive deeper into this significant healthcare AI news, read the full article here.

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