Best SEO Practices for Product Websites

Ayaan Bhattacharjee

Content Writer

SEO best practices

Search engine optimization or SEO improves a website’s visibility and rating in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO best practices 2023 are a crucial aspect of digital marketing, especially for product websites, as it helps them attract more organic traffic, increase conversions, and ultimately grow their business.

The importance of SEO for product websites cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts their online visibility, credibility, and profitability. By implementing effective best SEO practices, product websites can raise their position in search results and draw more visitors actively looking for their products.

The objective of this blog post is to provide a comprehensive guide to international SEO best practices for product websites. By following these guidelines, product website owners can improve their search engine visibility and drive more traffic and sales.

Conduct keyword research

Finding relevant and popular search phrases that potential clients use to find goods or services online is known as keyword research. Conducting keyword research is a crucial part of best practices for SEO since it enables owners of e-commerce websites to understand their target market better and adjust the content of their websites to appear higher in SERPs.

Also, several tools are available to conduct keyword research, including Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. These tools provide valuable insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords, helping website owners identify their products’ most relevant and high-traffic keywords.

When selecting keywords for their product website, website owners must focus on relevance, search volume, and competition. Also, they should identify keywords that accurately reflect their products and services, have a high search volume, and relatively low competition.

Long-tail keywords, which are longer and more precise terms that prospective buyers use to search for products or services, are another option for product website owners to explore. Despite having a lower search volume, long-tail keywords are more conversion-friendly since they are more focused and have higher intent.

In addition to selecting relevant and high-traffic keywords, product website owners should also consider the search intent behind those keywords. They should understand the motivations and goals of their target audience when searching for products or services online and tailor their website’s content accordingly.

Also, conducting thorough keyword research, product website owners can optimize their website’s content for relevant and high-traffic keywords, improve their search engine ranking, and attract more potential customers actively searching for their products.

Optimize on-page elements

On-page SEO is the process of tweaking various parts of a website’s content to raise its visibility and search engine rating. Enhancing on-page components is a crucial component of SEO since it enables search engines to recognize the value and caliber of a website’s content.

Best practices for optimizing on-page elements include:

Title tags and meta descriptions

HTML tags called title tags and meta descriptions give users and search engines concise summaries of a webpage’s content. In order to optimize these tags, relevant keywords and phrases that completely capture the website’s content must be used. While meta descriptions should be at most 155 characters, title tags should be brief and 60 characters.

Headers and subheaders

Headers and subheaders, also known as H1, H2, and H3 tags, are used to structure and organize the content of a webpage. Search engines use these tags to understand the hierarchy and importance of the content. Also, optimizing headers and subheaders involves including relevant keywords and phrases and organizing the content logically and readably.

Image optimization

Optimizing images involves ensuring that the images used on a webpage are high quality. It has to be relevant to the content, and properly optimized for search engines. Also, it involves using descriptive filenames, including alt text, and compressing the images. It is to to reduce their file size and improve page load speed.

Internal linking

The act of linking to other pages on the same website is known as internal linking. In addition to assisting search engines in comprehending the organization and hierarchy of the website’s content, this can enhance the user experience by adding more context and details. Ensuring links have descriptive and pertinent anchor text and are positioned logically and effectively are key components of optimizing internal linking.

Create quality content

The content of your website is one of the best practices SEO factors. Websites with excellent, pertinent, and interesting content are given preference by search engines like Google. Quality content increases the likelihood of conversions and sales by not just helping you rank higher in search engine results pages but also by adding value for your target audience.

Best practices for creating quality content

To create high-quality content that is optimized for SEO, you need to follow certain best practices.

Conducting research and providing value

You can produce content that benefits your target audience by researching their requirements and interests. Your writing should attempt to address a concern or query that your intended audience could have. Your audience is more inclined to interact with and share your content when you add value, which increases website traffic and brand exposure.

Using relevant keywords and optimizing content

Incorporating relevant terms throughout your material can enhance the discoverability of your online platform on search engines. Keyword stuffing, which can have a detrimental effect on your website’s rating, must be avoided. Instead, naturally and purposefully incorporate keywords into your content’s title, meta description, headers, subheaders, and body.

Formatting content for readability

Formatting your content with headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images can make it easier to read and more engaging. It’s also essential to ensure that your content is scannable, as most online readers tend to scan content rather than read it in full.

In addition to following these best practices, it’s crucial to make sure that your content is unique, excellent, and free of mistakes. Hemingway and Grammarly are two programs you can use to make your writing better and error-free.

Backlinks are outside hyperlinks pointing to your website. Building solid backlinks is a crucial SEO strategy that can raise your website’s position in search results. Reliable and pertinent sources are the ones that will produce high-quality backlinks.

Due to the fact that they represent a vote of confidence in your website, backlinks are crucial for SEO. Search engines view links from other websites as evidence that your material is worthwhile and worth sharing. Increased organic traffic, enhanced search engine rankings, and more conversion chances can all result from this.

To build high-quality backlinks, it’s essential to focus on creating valuable and relevant content that other websites will want to link to. Here are some best practices for building high-quality backlinks:

Create valuable content

Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that other websites will want to link to.

Guest blogging

Contact pertinent websites in your field and propose composing a guest post in return for obtaining a link to your website.

Detect non-functional hyperlinks on external websites and propose to substitute them with a hyperlink leading to your own website.

Participate in online communities

Participate in online communities related to your industry and share your content with the community. If your content is valuable, it may be shared and linked to by other members.

By adhering to these recommended methods, you can establish top-notch inbound links that have the potential to enhance your website’s position in search engine results and attract a greater volume of natural visitors to your online platform.

Utilize technical SEO

The term Technical SEO pertains to enhancing a website’s technical components for the purpose of boosting its standing in search engine results. It is an essential part of the SEO strategy for any product website. 

Best practices for technical SEO

Below are 4 best practices of technical SEO. Have a look and understand them. 

Site speed optimization

One of the best practices for technical SEO is site speed optimization. Site speed is a critical ranking factor as it affects user experience and engagement. A slow-loading site can frustrate users and cause them to leave, resulting in a high bounce rate. Enhancing visuals, compressing CSS and JavaScript files, and decreasing server reaction time can notably enhance website velocity.

Mobile responsiveness

Another important factor in technical SEO is mobile responsiveness. Google gives priority to websites that are optimized for mobile devices in its search results, and having a website that is mobile-friendly can enhance user experience and increase interaction. Responsive design, which adjusts website elements to fit different screen sizes, is an effective approach to mobile responsiveness.

SSL security

SSL security is also crucial for technical SEO. Google considers SSL-secured sites to be more trustworthy and secure, and it can positively impact a website’s search engine ranking. SSL certification can be obtained through various web hosting services and ensures that the website’s data is encrypted.

Site structure and organization

Finally, site structure and organization play an important role in technical SEO. A well-organized website structure with a clear hierarchy and well-defined categories can help search engines crawl and index the website’s pages more efficiently. A clear sitemap, schema markup, and proper use of header tags can also improve the website’s search engine ranking.

Monitor and improve

Monitoring and improving your website’s SEO is crucial for maintaining and improving its ranking on search engines. Regularly tracking metrics such as website traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate can help identify areas for improvement. 

It’s important to regularly update and optimize your website’s content and technical aspects to keep up with changing search engine algorithms. Utilizing tools like Google Analytics and Search Console can aid in tracking and analyzing website performance. 

Implementing a consistent and effective SEO best practice can lead to increased visibility, higher rankings, and ultimately more traffic and conversions for your product website.


In conclusion, implementing ecommerce SEO best practices is crucial for the success of any product website. Conducting keyword research, optimizing on-page elements, creating quality content, building high-quality backlinks, and utilizing technical SEO are all essential components of a successful SEO strategy. 

Regularly monitoring and improving your website’s SEO is also important for maintaining and improving its ranking on search engines. High Peak Software has a proven track record of implementing effective SEO practices that have helped numerous companies achieve their growth goals. 

By following these SEO best practices, you can improve your website’s visibility and ultimately drive more traffic and conversions. Why wait? Request an SEO audit and let us help you grow and bring J-curve to your company. 

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